(603) 882-8899
12 Park Avenue,
Hudson, NH 03051

About Olds Elevator™

Company Profile

The Safer, Faster, and More Effective Bulk Handling System

Headquartered in Hudson, New Hampshire , Olds Elevator™ LLC is the exclusive licensee of the Olds Technology in the United States and Canada.

With a small footprint and performance features that outshine conventional vertical bulk material conveyors, the Olds Elevator™ is a vertical conveyor solution designed to make a difference by combining simplicity, safety, and flexibility to accomplish virtually any vertical elevation task.

Olds Elevator™ LLC also offers sublicenses of the Olds technology, including training and technical support to qualified strategic partners.

01.the history of Olds Elevator™

When Industries around the world needed a better solution for bulk material handling, Peter Olds had the answer. Learn more below...

Exclusive Licensee

OLDS ELEVATOR™ LLC is the exclusive licensee of the Olds technology in the United States and Canada.


OLDS ELEVATOR™ LLC offers sublicenses of the Olds technology, including training and technical support, to qualified, strategic partners.

  • www.oldsusa.com

Olds Elevator™ LLC

Contact Olds USA today for more information

Safer, Simpler, Superior

The Olds Elevator is an ideal solution for elevating virtually any material.

Learn Why Contact Olds USA